Yoga in Sanskrit means “union” with the goal to create a partnership with your mind, body and your awareness.

If you are listening to music, your body and mind could become secondary to your attention and focus. 

We get a lot of questions regarding why we choose not to play music in our classes. There is a very particular reason why we don’t play music in our classes and it’s to keep you focused entirely on your breath. If we were playing music, you may be thinking about the beat or the lyrics. This is the exact opposite response we are aiming you to experience in class. Yoga in Sanskrit means “union” with the goal to create a partnership with your mind, body and your awareness. If you are listening to music, your body and mind could become secondary to your attention and focus. 

In our society, humans have the tendency to distract themselves with external aids like music. We want to provide an atmosphere where you can observe your mind and its contents (i.e. thoughts, sensations and emotions) and give yourself the time to sit with them. This can be very therapeutic for some individuals as mediation is widely becoming an alternative form of treatment for behavioral disorders like anxiety and depression. How often do you give yourself the gift of your own attention? 

Your breath, however, is an internal tool that keeps you focused on the task at hand. This is our #1 goal while we teach our classes and you can access it during any point of the day. In a mindfulness yoga practice, there is a conscious effort of moving your attention from your “crazy thought machine” to your breath, which is always happening right now. This will be a practice in and out of class, with or without music. Music just makes your focus drift a little more regularly and mainly for that reason, we choose to remove it from our classes. 

There are many different forms of mindfulness practice and our style isn’t necessarily for everyone, however, we confidently stand by the advantages of removing all external aids, like music, from your present moment practice.


What to expect at our upcoming YOGA IMMERSION with Philip Urso & Renee Deslauriers of LIVE LOVE TEACH and RHODE ISLAND POWER YOGA.


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